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Defensive Driving Skills

The ultimate result of driving defensively is that you maintain a high level of control, both mentally in your head and physically on the road with the vehicle.  Driving defensively means to not only avoid a crash, but also to exercise courtesy and consideration for others.

Use the following 6 steps to allow you:

  • more space to maneuver should a hazard exist
  • increase visibility
  • more time to evaluate the situation to make a good decision

Step One: Look Down the Road

Develop a habit to look beyond the present traffic conditions for hazards down the road

Step Two: Know Your Environment

Scanning is important to be aware of your surroundings

Step Three: Be Considerate of Others

Use proper communication with others

Step Four: Expect the Unexpected

Plan ahead to avoid surprises

Step Five: Be Decisive

Make good decisions and act in safe and timely manner

Step Six: Maintain Focus

Stay in control while behind the wheel